Marienkirche, Lübeck
Marienkirche, Lübeck. This lovely church with its delicate decoration is built of brick rather than stone, and in fact has the the highest brick built nave in the world, at 40m. The great organist and composer Dietrich Buxtehude was organist here for 39 years from 1668, and in 1705 the 20-year-old Johann Sebastian Bach took four weeks leave from his job in Arnstadt, in Saxony, to walk the 250 miles to Lübeck to meet him; he completed the journey in ten days, and ended up staying three months. So for me as a classical music lover it was a place of pilgrimage.
This was a handheld shot with nothing to rest on, and fortunately has managed to avoid any camera shake. The verticals have been corrected in Photoshop to give a rather rising front effect, which I think is OK for this image. It's difficult to hold any detail in the plain windows over the altar, but they're small in the picture.
Technical: NIKON D800, f=24.0 mm, ISO3200, 1/50 sec @ f6.3
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