From the Mönchsberg I walked the attractive 1km path along the ridge to the Hohensalzburg, the massive fortress that overlooks the city; a diversion along the way to some good views of the distant mountains in one direction and the fortress in the other, from the Richterhöhe. I arrived a few minutes before its 09:00 opening time, and again bought the first ticket, but no crowds followed me in.

The sun was strong and direct, and the walls inside are almost white, so the contrast was incredible. There were only a few other people there, and I concentrated on getting as many photos as I could before the crowds arrived – in the event there was no big rush, although numbers were building up by the time I left. Then some more views over the city, once again picking out places I'd been; there seemed to be pictures everywhere.

I went on an audio-guided tour of the 'salt store' and viewing tower. For safety reasons there has to be a guide present, although the commentary is provided by a handset, with many languages available. The script and presentation were very well done indeed, with just the right amount of information, and good voices. Some more photos on the tour and a few more after it, then some quick refreshment and on to the funicular (tour and one-way funicular are included in the €7 ticket) down to the city. All in all a good morning. The Hohensalzburg is nicely done, with discreet signage and the excellent tour.

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